【精品推荐】 提分神器--初中英语语法易错题专训
获取完整资料,请联系 官方微信号:16605168200 官方qq号:2151239526 八年级英语阅读理解及答案解析20篇免费文档八年级阅读理解练习 下载地址 https://share.weiyun.com/31f78c0072d4df8fca9b740f7e79bab8 资料目录 八年级英语阅读理解技巧视频讲解-阅读技能突破 人教版八年级上下册阅读理解及答案 仁爱版八年级上下册阅读理解及答案 外研版八年级上下册阅读理解及答案 译林版八年级上下册阅读理解及答案 冀教版八年级上下册阅读理解及答案 鲁教版八年级上下册阅读理解及答案 牛津上海版八年级上下册阅读理解及答案 八年级英语阅读理解专项训练及答案解析 八年级英语阅读理解10篇及答案解析 八年级英语阅读理解15篇及答案解析 八年级英语阅读理解20篇及答案解析 八年级英语阅读理解25篇及答案解析 八年级英语阅读理解30篇及答案解析 八年级英语阅读理解35篇及答案解析 八年级英语阅读理解40篇及答案解析 八年级英语阅读理解50篇及答案解析 八年级英语阅读理解100篇及答案解析 八年级英语阅读理解与完形填空150篇及答案解析 八年级英语阅读理解常见单词 八年级英语阅读理解冲关秘笈 八年级英语阅读理解考点梳理和方法技巧 八年级英语阅读理解快速提分突破技巧 初二英语课外阅读教材电子书(趣味英语) 举例 Subject: Complaints(投诉) Date: May 30, 2004 Form: david@hotmail.com To: Gglasgow@silverline.net Dear Sir or Madam, Last Thursday, I travelled on the 8:40 a. m. train from Glasgow to London King's Cross and I was very unhappy with the service provided by your company (公司). The train was forty minutes late leaving Glasgow, and although the guard apologized, we were not given any reasons for the delay (误点). We then had further delays when the train crew (乘务组人员) changed at Preston and had to wait another thirty minutes. As a result, I missed my flight from London Health row to Frankfurt and had to wait for several hours. What's more, the service on the train was also very poor. The trip takes over five hours, unluckily, there was no restaurant car on the train and only a bar with soft drinks, Worst of all, the air conditioning broke down half-way through the trip and it got hotter and hotter in the train. However, there was no apology for this, and before we reached King's Cross, the temperature was over 40℃. In view of the poor service, I feel I am entitled to compensation (有权索赔). I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, David Robertson Questions: 根据内容回答下列问题。 1.Where did David Robertson get on the train last Thursday? 2.What happened to David because of the delay of the train? 3.Why did he complain about the hot temperature? 4.What do you think the company will do after they received the email? 【答案解析】 1、文中第一句话提到:“from Glasgow to London king’s Cross.”故回答应是:“He got on the train in Glasgow(last Thursday)”. 2、回答时第一反应是“the train’s delay”.但后面的问题是由于“误车”而后发生的事情、故应是:He missed the flight from London Health row to Frankfurt and had to waif for several hours.” 3、“Hot temperature”不仅仅是天气热,主要原因是空调坏了,故“Because the air conditioning broke down and it got hotter and hotter.” 4、这是个开放性题目,但是在回答时也不可天马行空,不着边际,要有理有握的展开推测,参考答案:“The company sill apologize for the matter. Maybe they will pay David for the inconvenience.” 【趋势预测】本材料内容比较好理解,但运用了一种较为时尚考查载体一电子邮件,就显得比较有新意,近来中考题中的书信、日记、假条、广告等应用型的文体考查频率日渐上升,它也考查了学生的电子邮件的阅读能力。 【解题关键】 这封电子邮件使一封投诉信。第一段,作者抱怨火车误点带来的不快;第二段对列车的服务员服务极为不满。最终提出了索赔要求。 一是准确找到问题所涉及到的信息,二是合理地组织这些信息、用凝练的语言给予恰当的表述。